ACE Blog 8

Jeremiah Leary
1 min readMay 7, 2021

Write a reflection on lessons, stories, poems, dramas, check-in activities, blog posts, comments, and/or expressions that stood out to you from our class this semester.

Taking creative writing as a Science/Letters course turned out to be a lot more than just another class. I used to dread writing, so I wasn’t super pumped for the experience. Trying to have an open mind, I participated more than I otherwise would have. This helped me to find new interests and engage with my classmates in a way I wouldn’t have thought possible through something I dreaded so much!

One area, in particular, I was attracted to was poetry, and more specifically the rhyming aspect of it. This helped to somewhat reignite my attunement with music and rhythm. I personally feel that this is something I excel at and would like to share with the world.

In a more collective aspect, this course showed me that participation is key to not only my own success but those around me. I’m aware of the barriers like embarrassment, fear of judgement, etc. that come with participating in class, and it’s really unfortunate that those are correlated. On the flip side, the more people that take part, the more other people want to as well! At the end of the semester, we were able to witness some really great projects that came from people being vulnerable and giving their all to their classmates. I think that’s what truly made this class great.

